Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 5:13 AM

SEO/AdSense Template Rounders 2 is fully search engine optimised.

I’ve been using this Blogger template myself for quite sometime (I own a few Blogspot blogs ). SEO/AdSense Template Rounders 2 is fully search engine optimised.

Like with my WordPress AdSense/SEO themes only the home page and archive pages uses a H1 header for the name of the blog in the header area (the big blue block at the top) on single blog posts the name of the blog is within span tags instead of H1 headers (no SEO benefit wasted).

Headers are not wasted on the sidebar menu, (most Blogspot themes use a H2 header which is such a waste of SEO benefit!) on the home and archive pages the name of each blog post is within a H2 header as a link to the single post, (or archive page if you have single posts disabled: recommend you have single posts on).

On single blog post pages the title of the post is within a H1 header (on most Blogspot themes it’s a H2 because the blog name is in the H1)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle – Complete Review

I was searching through the most popular fitness e-books a little while ago and ran into a book, Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle that seemed to be getting a lot of hype from others as the single best fitness book available.

A book by a natural bodybuilder was going to show people how to lose weight and actually gain muscle while losing weight?

Is this book the best fitness book? I had to see this book myself and decided to give it a review.

Burn the fat feed the muscle is an e-book that has been created by bodybuilding champion Tom Venuto that attempts to teach people all aspects of losing weight while gaining muscle. Many people have called Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle the greatest single best fitness book ever put together and with that kind of hype I wanted to go through chapter by chapter to see if this book really lives up to it’s reputation.

What does Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle include? Click Here
